Cover Text

(Church Climate – Preventive Conservation of the Interior Furnishings)

Whether altarpieces, pulpits, sculptures, paintings or organs: the wooden furnishings of churches react very sensitively to climatic changes. In addition to their soiling, the loss of layers of pictures and mounts, cracks and open joins, mould infestation in particular has increased dramatically in recent times: It is becoming increasingly difficult for congregations to find good compromises between church use, energy-efficient heating and preservation. The forecasts of future climate development with declining church tax revenue reinforce the need for practical recommendations. This richly illustrated basic book closes this gap in the subject: Experts from the fields of monument conservation, engineering, conservation and architecture clearly explain their knowledge. The introductory basic essays are followed by concrete recommendations for proper heating, qualified climate measurements and climate and mould monitoring. There are explanations of the risk potential up to the possibilities of pre-orf investigation: the variety of location- and object-related factors as well as the preventive conservation possibilities become very clear.

Table of Contents
