Terms and Conditions of the Online Courses

provided by the Hornemann Institute, HAWK University of Applied Sciences und Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen

Copyright and Right of Use
All copyrights for the material and all rights to use the same, if not mentioned otherwise, are the property of the authors and the HAWK. Students may use the course material solely for the own personal use. Students of the online courses can print out, download and reformat for their own personal use. As long as copyrights are ensured, students may use excerpts of the material in their papers for their studies provided that the origin of the material is noted. If one wants to use the material for other purposes, previous permission has to be obtained from the holder of the rights. Email content or forum content may not under any circumstances be passed on or copied. Any transgression of these rules will entail that all printed and downloads content will be destroyed. The HAWK will reserve the right to make further claims for damages.
The HAWK retains the right to continuously improve and update the courses as well as the mode of access to same.

Students and members of the HAWK the acess to the courses free of cost. For external users the fees quoted in the current tariff list on the Website of the Hornemann Institutes are in effect. Students of other universities will receive a reduction of 20% (copy of immatriculation document required).
In case of a participation of three or more members of a company or an institution in the same course, the participants or the purchasers will receive a reduction of 20% on request.

Method of payment
Since the Hornemann Institute is held by the HAWK University of Applied Science and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen, it is in the field of research not subject to levying turnover tax. For this reason, no turnover tax is accounted for on its invoices. The fees payable online courses are due in advance, upon receipt of the invoice. All bank charges are to be paid by the user.

Bank details:
IBAN: DE21 2505 0000 0106 0201 34
BIC: Nolade2HXXX, Nord LB Hannover
cost center: 71030003

Payment by credit card (exclusively for payment from non-EU countries):
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer payment by credit card.

Access Rights
Access rights may not be passed on to third parties. The HAWK reserves the right to terminate access rights at any time in the case of intentional abuse or misuse. Changes in access data occur solely via the Hornemann Institute. Access rights are terminated automatically after the end of the respective term of the course. It is not possible to extend access rights. The user may terminate participation in a course at any time without reasons. However, due to the abovementioned reasons fees cannot be refunded.

Fundamentally, the authors and tutors will inform students via email or in the forum. The messages apply as soon as the course authors or tutors have commenced distribution. Messages from the students apply upon receipt by the authors or tutors.

The courses are organized in a way that participants can complete them independently. We support you in organizational and technical matters.Content-related questions will only be answered about the course materials. For capacity reasons, it is not possible to answer further questions on the subject.

Upon passing the final examination, students will receive an accredited certificate from the Hornemann Institute.

No liability is assumed for any material offered in the Hornemann Institute courses. Use of the courses is at own risk. Neither the authors nor the HAWK assume any liability that the functions of the course will correspond to a user's needs, nor for any damage that may result from use of the course nor its content.
The HAWK does not guarantee the students that the course will serve the hoped for purpose.. For service and support, the Hornemann Institut offers hyperlinks to software providers. Downloading of the programs offered there is at own risk.
The HAWK does not assume responsibility that they will fulfill the intended purpose. Moreover, the HAWK is not liable for any damage resulting from installation or use of this software of the external offer. The courses also contain additional links to websites of other providers. Once an initial link has been made, the outside offer is checked for illegal content. Neither the HAWK nor the authors are responsible for the content of the external offer. Should the Hornemann Institute discover any illegal content in the link or should the Hornemann Institute be informed thereof, it will remove the link.

Applicable Law
The Law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively. The city of Hildesheim, Germany is place of jurisdiction in case of any dispute or conflict.

HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttigen
Keßlerstr. 57
D - 31134 Hildesheim

Hildesheim, December 2024