Restaurierungsethik meets Berufspraxis

In Honour of Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Rest. Ursula Schädler-Saub Retirement from the HAWK

8th Ocotber 2021 | HAWK, Hildesheim

Prof. Dr. Dipl.- Rest. Ursula Schädler-Saub has been Professor of History and Theory of Restoration and Art History at the HAWK in Hildesheim, Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Conservation, since 1993. On this occasion, she will say goodbye to her companions, students, alumni and colleagues.  

In the main part of the event, some of her graduates will share their professional experience and shed light on the question of how helpful restoration ethics as well as the history and theory of restoration are for practice, and whether they can also be used to assert themselves in the face of very different interests on site in order to improve the quality of restoration concepts and their implementation.